Friday, December 17, 2010

If you want to be intermediately smart, read this site

Google has discovered the key to being the smartest one in the room. All you have to do is check out their Advance Search features and search websites based on "Reading Level". Your search results will be returned along with an evaluation of the overall reading level of the content on your site.

So how does this site stack up vs some others. Well, let me tell you, this site (or the old lebosbupdates site more specifically) scores at a 100% intermediate level.

 So there you go, it is completely at an intermediate level. 

How did other websites stack up?

For all you Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann lovers out there, lets see how MSNBC stacks up:

Seems like MSNBC caters to the Basic to Intermediate crowd.

Surely Google wouldn't rank as being anything more than Basic, right?

Wait there has to be something wrong with the ranking system, right?  Well, as they say in the tech world, your search results never lie.

Given the ratings disparity  dissimilitude between the two cable news stations, perhaps the American audience prefers the more complex labyrinthine commentary (FoxNews) over the dumbed down dunderheaded (MSNBC) version. Hey, that's not me talking, it's Google (and a little Merriam-Webster Thesaurus).

Thanks for reading

P.S.- Google if you are reading this, please don't shut down my site!

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